H Series
Commercial Applications

The Enviro H Series is designed and manufactured for the removal of pollutants including oils from run-off water. Normally installed in-line wihin new or existing drainage pipes and can be adapted to be installed in an open channel if required. The device does not require any power, utilising the energy in the water flow to separate and contain pollutants for periodical removal by evacuation equipment. The EPS internal surface can be inspected and washed as required, whilst screens can be removed and also cleaned as and when required.

Maintenance of all Enviro systems can be carried out by any accredited local contractor with a vacuum truck. There is no need for a specialised maintenance team or a constant need to replace consumables. The contents held within the quiescent zone in the system is removed once every twelve months. Enviro’s installation costs and continued maintenance costs are at a minimum when compared to other systems on the market.

H Series
Industrial Applications

H Series is the optimal system for Industrial applications due to the unique oil/water separator function which is certified to EN858-1, as well as a stormwater quality improvement device (SQID) which has undergone extensive performance stress testing by independent authorities. These tests indicate the highest compliance with EPA Legislation and Guidelines which prohibit the discharge of pollutants into stormwater. The aim of the H Series is to restore water quality to a safe and environmentally sustainable state, which pre-existed urbanisation conditions. The application is aimed at any catchment, where an oil spill risk or an ‘environmental emergency’ may exist. 

Nothing should enter a storm drain that could cause a sheen (iridescent appearance) on water. This includes oils and some cleaning products, even those designated as “biodegradable.” The EPA states that for 30 mL of biodegradable detergent to be safe for fish, it needs to be diluted by almost 568 litres of water. Prevention by removing these hazards before they enter the stormwater stream is of utmost importance and why Enviro has created the first in-line all-in-one system to remove broad spectrum pollutants and oils. 

Enviro’s H Series is the optimal EPS for high impact catchments where the likelihood of oil spillage is present and/or downstream sensitive wetlands need to be protected. The H Series system removes 99.95% of petroleum hydrocarbons, making it the safest and easiest system to install, maintain and support environmental and sustainability compliance. Enviro systems also do not require confined space entry for inspection or maintenance, also making it the highest system for workplace safety compliance.